Tenerife Networking Meeting at CIIF Market 2024
First day of presentation of the service companies associated with the Canary Islands Audiovisual Cluster and the Tenerife Film Commission to the guests and participants of the 20th edition of the Canary Islands International Film Market.
As part of the special activities that CIIF Market has organised to mark its 20th anniversary, the market hosted on 15 October the first day of presentation of the service companies associated with the Canary Islands Audiovisual Cluster and the Tenerife Film Commission to the market’s guests and foreign participants, including producers, platforms, television channels and other agents in the sector involved in content production.
A unique opportunity that allowed companies to present their services and talk about their latest work and experience in the sector with the aim of strengthening and expanding their network of contacts.

Guillermo Ríos, director of the Canary Islands International Film Market, welcomed the attendees. The session was opened by Natacha Mora, coordinator of Canary Islands Film; Genoveva Ayala, manager of the Canary Islands Audiovisual Cluster; and Ricardo Martínez, director of Tenerife Film Commission, who briefly explained the role of each of the entities they represent.
Canary Islands Film is the department of the Canary Islands Government through which the necessary information is available on tax advantages, locations, and everything necessary for audiovisual production. With tax incentives of up to 50% compatible with a 4% in Corporate Tax, the Canary Islands have positioned themselves as one of the reference territories for national and international filming. This department provides contacts with the different Film Commissions of the Canary Islands and with the regional sector, as well as advice on any issue related to filming.

The Canary Islands Audiovisual Cluster is the backbone of the audiovisual industry in the Canary Islands with member companies and collaborating partners from the entire value chain of the sector. They have been working for 15 years to develop and consolidate a solid ecosystem, to improve the competitiveness of companies and to promote and differentiate our region. The Cluster’s members are training companies, film, television, advertising, animation, video game, post-production, service companies, and auxiliary service companies. All of them are directly related to audiovisual activity in the Canary Islands.
Tenerife Film Commission is a department of SPET- Turismo de Tenerife, created in 2000, to promote audiovisual production on the island, both by foreign and mainland producers and by Tenerife producers, and to promote Tenerife as a filming location, attending fairs, presentations and festivals in the sector. The services offered include advice on obtaining services, location work, contact with local producers and production service companies, liaison with local, island and regional Administration and connection with the national and international networks of Film Commissions (Spain Film Commission and AFCI – Association of Film Commissioners International).

Participating companies and Fam Trip
The companies that presented their services at the Tenerife Networking day were 3Doubles Producciones, 22Dogs VFX, Airmedia360, Aluzine Atlántico, Atlantic Zone, Atlantis Animation, BeeDron Record, Boudika Productions, Canary Productions, Control Freaks, Datadron, Film Canary Islands, Flaming Frames, Flywus Studios, Fortiche España, Kipuka Films & Estudio, Locationnow, Lucky Islands, Macaronesia Films, Mojo Films, Montero Aramburu & Gómez Villares Atencia SLP, Naif Films, Pantalla Canaria, Rent a Car Jocar, Solworks, Tomavision Studio and TwentyfourSeven.
Innovation, opportunities and collaboration were the central themes in a space that promoted cinema and audiovisual production from the Canary Islands to the world.
Ana Lima, a technician from Tenerife Film Commission, said: “We think that a day like the one we had today is important because it gives local companies the opportunity to promote their services to potential clients, so that they can learn about and understand that on the island they can hire all kinds of services and personnel who have extensive experience in different audiovisual productions.”
In the afternoon a meeting was held Fam Trip, through which participants were invited to tour a small part of Tenerife, to see first-hand the great diversity of landscapes that the Island has in just a few kilometres away, visiting two key locations, the Anaga Rural Park, declared a Biosphere Reserve and covered with laurel forest (temperate forest), which has managed to preserve its natural values in an exceptional way, with a stop at the spectacular Tunnel of the Fairies and the impressive Mirador del Picó del Inglés, with panoramic views of Anaga and Santa Cruz de Tenerife; and San Cristóbal de la Laguna, a colonial city, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The Canary Islands benefit from a special tax regime, the REF, which allows them to add 20 percentage points to tax incentives, so that the deduction for production can reach up to 54%, as indicated above. The good working climate is not only due to the mild temperature enjoyed throughout the year, with an average of 23°, but also to the excellent local professionals and companies with a long history in the sector.
CIIF Market will be held from 14 to 18 October 2024 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Its purpose is to contribute to the revitalization of the industry by attracting national and international companies in the sector and to promote meetings with Canarian producers, in such a way as to foster synergies to encourage film and audiovisual creation with the aim of supporting their internationalization.
It is an activity organized by Festeam, Communication and Events, under the sponsorship of the Cabildo de Tenerife, Department of Culture, Museums and Sports; the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, through the Development Society; and the Government of the Canary Islands, through the Canary Islands Institute for Cultural Development, Canary Islands Film and PROEXCA; with the collaboration of Tourism of Tenerife, through the Tenerife Film Commission; the Audiovisual Cluster of the Canary Islands and Macaronesia Films, among other entities.