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Almost twenty national and international film and television projects participate in CIIF Market 2019 in search of financing

Canarian literary works of different genres will have the opportunity to be presented for their possible adaptation to multiple screens and training activities and professionalization of the sector will be held

Santa Cruz de Tenerife brings together creators, producers, distributors, sales agents, television channels, writers, editors and other professionals from the audiovisual and literary industry.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, October 8, 2019.- This Tuesday the XVI edition of the Canary Islands International Film Market in the Strasse Park of the capital of Tenerife, in an act presented by the journalist Pilar Rumeu and which was attended by Patricia Hernández Gutiérrez, mayoress of Santa Cruz de Tenerife; Matilde Zambudio Molina, Councilor for Economic Promotion, Tourism, Culture and Historical Heritage of the Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council; and Guillermo Ríos Bordón, director of CIIF Market.

The mayoress of Santa Cruz wanted to welcome all the participants and stressed “the will of the City Council to continue working from the consistory in this line of support through actions that contribute to the expansion of the market in future editions and that the CIIF Market becomes a reference among the most prominent investment and co-production circuits”.

In this same vein, it has been maintained Matilde Zambudio, stating that “we will always support activities such as CIIF Market, and we want to thank the attendees, since they value the role of the islands and Santa Cruz in the cinematographic and audiovisual field, as well as their projection abroad ”.

Guillermo Rios, director of the market, highlighted the growth of the Canary Islands International Film Market in this edition, the synergies with the publishing sector and the support of sponsoring and collaborating institutions and organizations. Likewise, he insisted “on the good moment that cinema is experiencing in the Canary Islands, so we must continue working on this and other initiatives, which focus on the islands so that we are recognized in international markets, as is already happening in this moment”.

CIIF Market Guide 2019

In this edition of CIIF Market, which has as its official headquarters the Hotel Iberostar Grand Mencey, creators, producers, distributors, sales agents, television channels, writers, editors and other professionals from the audiovisual and literary industry come together to strengthen networking, explore new financing channels and promote the co-production of projects for the European market and international.

Starting tomorrow, the 9th and until the 12th of October, the participants will have several working days and a wide schedule of meetings with potential investors and companies receiving the projects, among which are Bendita Film Sales, Canary Islands Film, Clúster audiovisual de Canarias, Danidog Films, Filmarket Hub, El Viaje Films, Filmax, Frida Films, Imval Producciones, Latido Films, Macaronesia Films, Music Library & SFX, Scenic Rights, Tarkemoto, Tenerife Film Commission , Televisión Pública de Canarias (RTVC), Volcano Films and Zeta Studios.

Remotely, Atresmedia Cine and Movistar for Latin America will also receive the film and television series projects, respectively, selected in the market.

Activities XVI edition Canary Islands International Film Market

Within the actions of CIIF Market, several activities will be carried out for the training and professionalization of the sector. This Wednesday, October 9, the Workshop “Impact of the adaptations of literary works in the new productions of series and feature films” will be held, led by Sydney Borjas, general director of the Scenic Right agency and Gervasio Iglesias, producer of Zeta Studios .

Both will address the adaptation of literature to film and television, literary sagas, the positioning of platforms in the audiovisual market and the model they use to produce in relation to already existing literary works or commissions for original projects, among other topics.

On Thursday, October 10, it will be the turn of the Masterclass “I have a script, and now what do I do? How to make yourself known: the keys to present my project to the industry” , given by Gemma Pascual, Director of Development at Filmax .

He will talk to us about his work in this important Spanish audiovisual company, organized into four large areas: production, international sales, distribution and exhibition, which makes it one of the leading companies in the cinematographic and audiovisual scene, and he will talk about how and where to present a project, preparation of pitchings and other formulas to make themselves known.

Before the master class, there will be a presentation by the Government of the Canary Islands, through PROEXCA and Canarias Cultura en Red , on tax incentives in the Canary Islands, production and institutional support.

Projects and selected literary works

The national and international film and audiovisual projects that participate in CIIF Market are the following, presented at the opening:

“The year of dirty memory”, by Matías Boero Lutz, Reverso Films (Spain)

“Time of Silence”, by Fernando González Gómez, La Dalia Films (Spain)

“The thousand lives”, by Marina Seresesky, Meridional Producciones (Spain)

“Poor devil”, by Guillermo Polo, Los Hermanos Polo & Japónica Films (Spain)

“Murder at Low Tide”, by Niccoló Andenna, Teleaut Produzioni (Italy)

“Disconnected”, by Fabián Forte and Ariana Saiegh, UN3TV (Argentina)

“The Preacher”, by Facundo Escudero, Pennsylvania Films (Argentina)

“The dog in the year of the dog”, by Alejandro Súarez, Abubaya Producciones (Bolivia)

“Son of a tiger”, by Edwin Cortés, Los Notarios (Colombia)

“My name is Casablanca” by Mauricio Aguinaco, M Films Producciones (Mexico)

“Schafer is wanted”, by Lucho Smok, Grita media (Chile)

“Toque de curfe”, by Rodolfo Pereira, Alquette Producciones & FM (Peru)

Within the Focus Canarias section:

“Gliese”, by Jorge Guimerá (Kikazaru Films)

“Vampire Holocaust 2”, by Vasni J. Ramos (The Invisible Man Films)

“Imperceptibles”, by Edy Cardellach (Glow Films Entertainment)

“La indiana”, by Jorge Hernández Pérez

“My Copernican turn”, by Iván López (JR Producciones)

“2024: Second Middle Ages”, by Carlos García Rodríguez (Ikarus Media)

They are joined by the project “Mirando al mar”, by Mar Franco, winner of the first edition of the isLABentura Extreme Script Laboratory , organized by the La Palma Film Commission, thanks to the agreement recently reached with CIIF Market.

This selection of projects shows a great variety in formats and genres , since there are possible feature films from comedy, drama, thriller, film noir, urban western and television series , achieving the greatest possible diversity and representation.

As for the literary works , have been chosen for their consideration as those with the greatest potential to be adapted to film and television screens or platforms, equally of various genres that go from the fantastic to the drama, going through adventures, intrigue, romance, family, and much more, aimed at different audiences (children, youth and adults):

“In search of the treasure of Kola”, by the writer Edna López (Grupo Edebé)

“On the blue line”, by the author Luis García Rebollo

“The House of Panic, by Carlos Guillermo Domínguez (Edebé Group)

“The Fairy Tale Shop” by Sarah Maher (LxL Publishing)

“The Sins of the Baroness”, by Texy Cruz

“Black Juan” by Francisco Estupiñán

Awards for promotion abroad

The participants of the selected projects will opt for various prizes to set their sights abroad:

CIIF Market Award for the project with the greatest international projection, with an amount of 1,200 euros to attend an international market of your choice.

Canary Islands Film Award for the best Canarian project, which will reward the winner with a travel grant to a sectoral market with international projection.

FilmMarket Hub Award , consisting of a free one-year subscription to the online market platform, which will facilitate access to the most important companies in the sector and financing funds.

Macaronesia Films Award , which includes financial and legal advisory services regarding tax incentives in the Canary Islands.

Music Library & SFX Award , through which the winning project will have a free flat rate limited to one production, which will allow the synchronization of the production music in the content of the project.

In addition, a literary work will be distinguished with a Special Mention by the Organizing Committee of the CIIF Market 2019.